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The Real Estate Agency

Immobiliare Tornabene is a real estate agency regularly registered in the Register of Real Estate Agencies at the Chamber of Commerce of Catania

To register for the role, the real estate agent must have attended a professional course and passed a rigorous exam at the Chamber of Commerce, and must have a civil liability insurance policy to protect customers.
Finally, the abusive practice of the profession is a criminal offense pursuant to art. 348 of the penal code.
Contacting a professional real estate agent is a guarantee for you and your business

Ask to see the Chamber of Commerce certificate and the customer liability insurance policy. Only in this way can you be sure that you are relying on a qualified professional and not risking your investment.

The evaluation is carried out on the basis of some parameters including the prices of recent sales that have occurred in the area, the cadastral value, the date of construction and any renovation of the property, some intrinsic qualities of the property such as fine finishes, equipment, characteristics , parking availability etc.
The professional real estate agent has acquired the necessary skills both through training and experience and will always indicate a value realistically close to the actual market valuations.

Normally the mandate is exclusive, in exceptional cases and by mutual agreement some agencies can accept a joint mandate, in which case the seller will have to pay the agreed commission to both agencies at the conclusion of the deal.

In addition to the normal checks that can be carried out by the Financial Police or other police bodies, when a notarial deed is stipulated the Notary has the obligation to verify whether the intermediary is a real estate agent regularly registered in the register.
Please remember that the unauthorized practice of the profession of Real Estate Agent is a criminal offence.

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